Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Today my workout at CFCP was something call Bear? I think? I had not heard of it before today. It was a lot tougher than I thought it was going to be. Here is the workout:

Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes perform the following:

5 Dumbbell Deadlifts
5 Dumbbell Hang Cleans
5 Dumbbell Thrusters

I used 20# dumbbells, but RX is to use 45% of your body weight. Uhm...yeah right! The objective is to finish as fast as you can so that you can use the rest of the minute to rest. I think next time I will go up in weight though since I finished all 20 rounds with 30 seconds to spare each round, as did all the others in the class!

Here is a video of some guys at CFCP a year ago doing another version of Bear. They look a little different now and so does their form!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Catch up

Just a quick post to catch up on my workouts since Thanksgiving and my sister's wedding.

200 squats for time - 5:32

Squats - 150
Push ups - 64
Box jumps - 72
Sit ups - 99
Total - 385

Tuesday (today):
20 min - AMRAP
15 double unders
15 sit ups
15 back extensions
Total - 12 rounds + 15 double unders + 8 sit ups

Tabata push ups (because they SUCKED yesterday) - 62 (worse than yesterday, grrr!)

Tomorrow is CFCP at noon!

My own turkey trot...

When I go back to Houston to visit my family, I usually try to sneak in a run or a workout. And my runs usually involve my old route that I have been doing since high school. It is around 3 miles. My "old route" officially changed one day in March of 2006. Please read here for the story.

Yep, 6 months prego, with my two year old and dog. He said he stopped because I was hot and he wanted to have sex with me. REALLY? Trust me, I was not looking that you can imagine. And he had a knife in the car. Bastard.

Anyway, back to the run. When I get to a certain point at the end of my route, I always get deja vu when I turn to walk down my street because this is where I saw him drive down my street and turn around to come try to take me. Always freaky.

I am pretty proud that I fought him of and defended myself, my daughter, and my unborn daughter. But, these days I bet he would most certainly get his ass KICKED if he even tried.

My 3 miles was was 26:02 long Thanksgiving day.