Wednesday, October 28, 2009

So, it's been a while...

I have been working out, I swear! My last post was October 7th, I know. I got behind in posting my workouts, then Ms. M got the flu (yes, H1N1), and then...and then...and get the picture. The only break I have taken was when Ms. M had the flu. I won't bore you with the 10+ crossfit workouts I have done over the last few weeks and I will just start with today's. Today's WOD was pretty good. It included a mile run, which I have not done in a while do to the fear of another possible stress fracture in my foot. So far so good though. Here was the WOD:

2 rounds
10 KB clean and jerks (right arm)
10 KB clean and jerks (left arm)
25 KB swings
25 goblet squats

After the 2 rounds, 1 mile run.

Time - 15:19

Felt good the entire time. My foot was fine. I used a 25# kettlebell, but will probable go up to 35# next time.

I had another breakthrough today! I can now do kipping pull ups!!! This is huge for me and has been one of my frustrations since the beginning. It finally clicked with me after I was told that I was "muscling" myself down instead of using my momentum on the way down to get myself back up to the bar. Make sense? Didn't think so...

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