Monday, November 23, 2009

Cindy at CFCP

Ugh...I'm pooped. Just a quick post about today's WOD. We did Cindy at CFCP and again my first time attempting this WOD with real pull ups!


20 min - AMRAP
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

I got in 14 rounds. Yes, that's 70 pull ups, 140 push ups, and 210 squats as fast as you can go. I thought I did pretty good until my teammate, Ms. K, pulled out 20! She did an awesome job. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some paleo macaroons baking in the oven. Night.


  1. I need to get that macaroon recipe!!!!

  2. Do a search for macaroons on the CFCP blog and it will come up.

  3. I got 10 rounds on Cindy yesterday...Not as good as yours but decent for my first time doing Cindy and my First real week of CrossFit.
