Monday, September 28, 2009

There Go My Dreams Of Being A Hand Model

One of the unfortunate side effects of crossfit is nasty hands. Seriously, when I put moisturizer on my face this morning I scratched myself pretty good. The WOD on my birthday a couple of weeks ago involved a lot of pull ups and I was lucky enough (or so the good people of Tillman thought) to earn my first rip on the palm of my hand. I did not get a picture of it. (I know many of you are like, "gross, why would you do that?" But apparently, it is sort of a rite of passage for crossfitters) Well, today's WOD involved more pull ups. We did what is called a pull up ladder. First minute you do one pull up, second minute you do two, third minute three pull ups and so on and so forth until you can't do any more within a minute. I only got to ten before this happened.

I could have done so many more! But my hand was not having it. It started to tear again in the same place as last time, just when it was almost completely healed. Luckily, I stopped before it REALLY tore open. Now I just have a big blister. Anyway, enough about my nasty hands. The next WOD was:

Back Squats

I maxed out at 165#. Not sure how many rounds I actually did.

I have done more weight in the past, but clearly I was not doing them right. At Tillman they put a butt ball (big medicine ball) behind you that you have to touch with your backside when you squat. Much more tough than my other squats.

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